In the thread below, you could wish your fellow members a happy birthday!
Will do. Any birthdays today?
@Californian_Aviator still waiting for some hours to pass…
I didn’t know the date showed up I thought it was just the cake icon
Unless it’s already the next day where you are lol
It is for me lol. But I will wait for 12am your time.
Lol I hope I’m not up at midnight
Wishing you a very happy and joyful birthday. May you gain prosperity and may all your desired wishes come true.
“I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake. And the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends!”
We all grant the best wishes to you, hoping that you succeed with great paths.
To you, make sure to have a great time at WFC and take advantage of our upcoming projects. We hope you like the journey ahead and wish you all the best in the future.
WFC Family
I messed up the times tho. But Happy Birthday from me.
Happy birthday Jacob!
Happy birthday Jacob!
@anon12893140 and @CaptainZac thanks!
@Californian_Aviator happy birthday!
Happy B day @Californian_Aviator
@Aviation2929 and @Canadian_Aviator thank you!
@Pilot_Felix wishing you a very happy Birthday.
May all you joys light up this time of the year. Stay safe and always be loved.
"Be the one who loves themselves and influences others to be the same"
With great memories from past to new journeys to future, we wish you all the very best for future endeavors. Make sure to take part in upcoming projects from WFC and thanks for being here.
WFC Family
I am sorry if I messed up the timings.
Thanks a lot Adrian! Sorry for the late reply!
That’s ok. I hope you have a great day!
@CaptainZac Happy Birthday From Me and WFC…
You are rare and always the best. A friend like no other, everything you have done for me remains fresh in my thoughts. You have proven that friendship is beyond getting what we wish for in life. You are my best friend, and you will live for me. Happy birthday.
I am so delighted to celebrate your birthday in the community you have created! We all appreciate your support and hardwork. You are a role model and an excellent leader that guides the path for many of us.
In WFC, today we celebrate the birthday of one of the most greatest human being on the planet (for me). I wish you all the best in the near future in everything. May be you a very successful person in life and may all your dreams come .
Make a wish and smile as hard as you can. Everything will fall into place for you both today and forever. It is your birthday, while you count where you failed, remember the areas you passed well. Being a good friend is one of them. Have a blast, dear.
Sincerely, I wish one of the best people in my life a happy birthday. Let today bring you the smile you have secretly prayed for and the happiness you deserve. Life might not be fair, but there is a lot of amazing things waiting for you ahead.
I am short of words to let you know how wonderful you have been as a friend and as a mentor. I treasure you both today and every other day that follows because you are my only best friend. It’s your birthday, so make merry, have a blast and remember that I always got your back just as you have mine. Enjoy the blessing the day comes with.
I know that it isn’t your birthday yet as you haven’t reached 13th of December but I have. I tend to celebrate your birthday much more longer. So let’s make this birthday the best .