Hello everyone!
As the year comes to an end, it’s time to say our thanks and apologies on this forum.
Thank you to @anon21556663 for being a great friend on any forum we meet on.
Thanks to @CaptainZac for the creation of this forum and the year spent chatting together.
Big thanks to anyone in the PMs for the fun times spent together.
Thank you to @Brennan for the constant IFAET help.
Thank you to @PlanesAndGames for the Gimp tutorials
Thanks to @Tyler for the fun flights together in June-July
Thank you to @Pilot_Felix for all the laughs
Thanks to @Aerial_Canuck for the geocaching talks
Thank you to @Blitz for the spotting help
Thanks to @LordWizrak for the funny chats we had together
Thank you to @Oskapew for the aviation help
Thanks to @Tsumia for the France-bashing
Thanks to @tunamkol for the PM laughs
@USA_ATC thanks for all the quality chats
@worldflying-bot thanks for all the flags
Thank you to everyone else for this wonderful year!
I apologize to @PlanesAndGames for the tensions in livery threads, ur a great friend after all (:
I apologize to @Gabi_Burnei for the political tension in chats
Sorry to @thunderbolt for the conflicts we have had based on minimodding and covid points of view.
Sorry to @Tsumia for saying that southern UK was crap.
And that sums up this topic!
Thank you and to 2022!