WFC Official Group Flight - Overnight Galore

Hey all! I’m really excited to announce this group flight! This evening (or morning/afternoon for the folks who don’t live in a normal timezone, lol), we will be flying MMMX-EHAM! Not only is this flight scenic, but super fun, too! Please see below for important details!

Simulator: Infinite Flight
Server: Expert
Aircraft: 787-8 (Aeromexico), 787-9 (Generic)
Estimated Flight Time: 9:55
Estimated Departure Time: 0600Z (2020-12-05T06:00:00Z)

Local to your timezone.

For the wonderful folks in LYVA, this is no rank restriction flight! Additionally, a 2x bonus is available. We hope to see everyone, El Al Virtual pilots or not, there! :el_al_virtual:


And I am coming!

Can Aeroflot Virtual join?


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Sure why not!

Welcome aboard! Enjoy the flight with us!


We will be coming then

Can I join? Even tho I’m not in any of y’all’s VAs

wish i could join but departure time is at 1am for me

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Big oof

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its at 3 for me

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Lol I flew this route last month
I think KLM 777-300ER
Idk I can’t remember but I remember the route :joy:

Absolutely! We’d love to have you!

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Ok, I might join. I’m not sure, it’s Friday night so nothing is certain :joy:

Hey @anon94363592 just finished studying, so I don’t think I can make it till 3am. Can you remove me from the attendance?

Hope everyone else has a nice flight :slight_smile:

Sure, no worries. Sorry the timing didn’t work!

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For consolidation purposes, I kindly ask you wonderful folks to please direct any attendance related reply to the following topic. This will allow me to create a group PM. Thanks!

No way, I JUST took off from MMMX :joy:

Well that’s unfortunate, lol. Where you off to?

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