Like if anyone used DC-10 or MD-11 regularly (except for Aerial Refueling)
Me who does
Well, sometimes
Well great u good boi
We need the A332!!!
Yes, for AF / Hawaian and others. Not TAP it looks horrible on the A332 but not on the A333.
I would be surprised if Turkish was not added
Yeah when they could add the whole 777 family why couldn’t they do the same with A330? Plus it’s less variants.
Yes , me too TK A333 is everywhere !
Largest operator, huge letdown if it didn’t come
But if Turkish A330 comes LTFM needs 3D buildings which I would love to see.
JetBlue livery finally gets added
It’s on the A333 instead
At this point wouldn’t be surprised if they did that
“wErE sOrRy BuT tHe JeTBLuE lIvErY wOnT bE cOmInG UnTiL 2023”
Also when was the JB vote posted? AND WHY ISNT IT HERE YET
Imagine they did something like that on April 1st and never added it and waited to see if we caught on
Early January
What a joke
Isn’t Cathay the biggest -300 operator?
Only 3 more
But I’m talking about total
LFTM and EDDB are needed but way too new, so maybe not enough data for IF in order to add them , no ?