Infinite Flight 21.4 (A330 Update) Tracking & Speculation Thread

Yes, the new one is pretty good too


But I like the languages theme


But I’m happy that Saudia and Oman are getting votes

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Forgot about this
Would be a nice addition to the current 789


I think that this topic has been created way too late (24d ago) which was a lot after when they asked us to vote and support the liveries we wanted for this update


As a native Southeast Asian I would surely like this to come! (Yes, though I don’t live there anymore.)

But yes, the request came too late.


Someone please tell people to vote for these… :pleading_face:

oh don’t forget Qatar

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I would have done it if I weren’t blacklistee by M so , sorry I can’t


Can someone else do it?

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in a week I can!

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in a week the rework could be out

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and we would have to wait for 21.5 or later to have new liveries if they aren’t added

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Two staffs doing a flight which is the Iberia A333 one IRL : SBGR - LEMD

Iberia A333 coming + maybe LEMD with 3D ? Who knows ?!

The day before Misha flew LEMD to Lima (SPJC) , which is also an Iberia A330 flight !!

Note: This is also AirEuropa B789 flight + LATAM B789 but I don’t see the point of these ones considering the beta test they’re doing , it’s certainly the A333.


I hope it’s the old livery, though it’s less likely than the old LH livery since almost no one on IFC cares about retro stuff

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Ew no, there’s no point by adding the old Iberia A333 , it’s not used anymore , the new one looks way better

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S’ wanted retro on SAS A319, it got added though no one cares but still. American Retro got added as well on some aircrafts, so we really DESERVE a retro on A333 such as TAP or Garuda.
A pity that TK retro is on the A332 not the A333 … it looks so good


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In that case let’s hope for the TAP retro

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Alright then, we could stop using literally most of the 757 airliners and DC10/MD11 fleet as they’re not used anymore.

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I modified my sentence , read it again pls

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Sorry, I was texting while you edited that

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