Infinite Flight 21.4 (A330 Update) Tracking & Speculation Thread

Now if this doesn’t come…

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I want more older aircraft and liveries with North African carriers so I can fly to the underrated airports retro style


Oh good EgyptAir

But sadly Air Algerie and Tunisair TuNiLaTe only uses A332, but only A333 will come…

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Yeah it’s dumb
I like airports like Tripoli, Tunis, etc
Feels like the 1950s because that’s the state of their airports :joy:

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mhm sounds interesting

i’ll send it to my fellow indian IF players


(Oh , nvm I answered to the wrong message , just woke up.)

But yeah it would be cool , more diversity , at least we can still hope for 3D airports in these areas …

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gonna pop this in!


A330-200, but it could be hinting at a QR A333



tbh I doubt it


How come?

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bc UnReALiStiC

infinite flight is gonna pull a 757 on this

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It’d be less unrealistic if we got a Malaysia or KAL A333 with CF6s tbh

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Qatar has a A330-300

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oh in that case it could very well come!

on the IFC everyone talking about that damn phone in the background


@TheGlobalAviator someone else also wrote that it was a Thomas Cook reg as well

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it isnt Thomas Cook. Most Thomas Cook Regs begin with G-TCXX

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I didn’t say that I agree with that person lol , just saying ^^ , I didn’t see the reg , can someone share a pic of it appearing ?


circled in red

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4K image here!

MT-RJS apparently