Infinite Flight 21.4 (A330 Update) Tracking & Speculation Thread

I just hope it’s some kind of A330/340/350
767, I don’t mind either

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I don’t mind whatever’s coming. As long as it’s better than before, I’m happy.


In addition to this, they also have to work on 3D airports, they don’t have a big number of people in the team. A333 + buildings are already a lot demanding @TheGlobalAviator , let’s not hope for another aircraft in the same time tho.


could just be the app that didn’t recognise the new A333

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And, if A223 gets added, y’all have to enjoy it still, it’s better than nothing, we need regional aircrafts cause…

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actually BCS3 (yes it still didn’t change)

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That’s exactly the point of what I meant, it’s new A333 not known yet.

@TheGlobalAviator is going way to faaaaaaaaaarrr in the speculation. An A223 flying from OEJN to VABB , lol ?

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lmao :rofl:

Introducing the new A220-300neo MAX Ultra XLR

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I mean no airline ordered it in these countries, not the range only :wink:

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cough cough E Jets cough cough

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Yes, this too. Considering the fact that we’ll have ZRH , it’s a nice opportunity to add helvetic one ! (not talking about E2 but the normal one)

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pov: it’s actually the F100

And Ejets are literally everywhere

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No E190

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yea ik that has like less than 30 votes :cry:

It’s a must have for ZRH and Europe , once the Ejets gets confirmed I’ll vote for this livery,
but not support it. I’ll leave IFC once I get unbanned and lock the account, after that much clownery that this M staff did, as I should .I’m forbidden to post airplanes pics ? Why should I even stay there.



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Ay, Jason is flying an Air Canada A333 rn

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Oh don’t forget saudia a333

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Yes I posted it above :slight_smile:

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