I saw these groups like @Blackpink and @FantasyFootball and wondered how I start one. Maybe I could even have a category like @rolls and #vorg
Ask @CaptainZac lmao
Is VORG a category btw
did u ask for it from zac lol
Yes, I did.
May I start the world flying community anti oreo group? With a category hopefully.
Thank you.
then i can finally fulfill my dream of being a mod
Is this a joke?
no, you may join
I’ll join to promote Oreo
Oreos are good lmao
im doing this just so technically i am a wfc mod
I mean everyone hates oreos right?
hello zac
@lhr_pilot, please apply here. After that is submitted, an automatic message will be sent to all the moderators in where we will vote on whether to approve the category.
hang on, if i am a category mod, does that make me a WFC mod technically?
Not unless the mods reject your category.
‘Explain why your group benefits the community’
me :
It’s not allowing my username there