Talk about random california and earthquake crap in this debate
Talk about random california and earthquake crap in this debate
Wanna say anything about earthquakes?
@Californian_Aviator @Rolls @Nugget and everyone else in the California debate… I lived over half my life in Orange County, and yes, there was always at least one earthquake a year. Don’t know what y’all are talking about lol
Not once in my life have I felt an earthquake
How long have you lived there?
My whole life
I haven’t experienced a earthquake yet
read great timing
Ah, you can see on this map that the San Diego area the earthquake risk is much lower in San Diego than in my former hometown, Orange, which is further north.
Makes sense
Staying off-topic, San Diego is pretty cool. I visited the USS Midway when I was six, it was awesome. I was going to go to a Padres game vs. my Dodgers, but it didn’t happen, thanks China.
Earthquake year was 2019
Oh really? There was a 5.4 (at the epicenter which was about 30 minutes away) when I was 5. I still remember it, I was in the locker room of the local public pool, the whole room shook like crazy
Orange County is just great is general lol
OC is great, especially since the beach for me is just a bike ride away.
And you’d be surprised by the amount of people who don’t know how to swim.
I think we all take swimming for granted because most of us learned but the people who can’t swim and are stupid enough to go in the water, well, I have no sympathy for them
I guess that’s one viewpoint. To me, it’s always hilarious when some tourist family arrives at the beach expecting Hawaii temperatures, and they don’t expect the water to be less than 60 degrees fahrenheit, and for us Californians, that’s hella cold.
Haha ye, I was meant to go to California last summer but COVID gave me a slap on the wrist and said no
What the best thing in California? It’s not the beach. It’s not the weather. It’s not the nature.
It’s the Mexican food!
If you somehow end up in Huntington Beach, you have to go to this restaurant for the best Mexican food you have ever tasted.