Best Plane Spotting Photos [Official Thread]

Official Thread for WFC Spotting Photos

Hey, WFC!

As some of you may be wondering, what is this topic? This topic is a spin-off from the S&V topic, but this is dedicated to plane spotting photos, where there will be weekly competitions for the best one! Photos from all plane spotting sessions are welcome and encouraged.

We know that we have many great photographers here, so enjoy this thread and show off your best work!

How to Use This Thread

To post a photo, simply click on the upward arrow (upload button). Photos can only be uploaded in specific formats, so please be aware of that. If the photo size is too large, try decreasing the quality. Cropping the photo can also help with this.

Additionally, before posting, make sure you can read the registration, and/or titles on the aircraft .

Furthermore, while there is a limit of 2 photos per person per week, we ask that you upload only one photo per reply. While we usually request that you consolidate photos to one reply, we want everyone to view your photo as best as they can.

Are There Winners?

The short answer is no. However, periodically, a vote will be held (within this thread) that contains 3 of the best photos per week (staff discretion). The winner of the poll will have their photo featured on the WFC Instagram!

Have a competitive time!!



first pic lol



nice :slight_smile:

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Who doesn’t love a raw photo?




And I never knew you had a proper camera…

Yeah. I have a Canon Rebel T7.

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cries in phone

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Me, who used to take photos with an iPad


That’s actually very good for a phone.

Extra points because it’s an A350.


ah yes the A350 fanboy

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Oh, you want an A350?

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Yes please!

Also, is that a TAM 767 in the background? If yes, that’s even more extra points.


(or if you’re talking like WAY back I think it’s another A350)

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Still. I love the old livery. The new LATAM is just plain boring.

facts right there

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This gave me an idea :eyes: