Alaska in Alaska

(This was done in Infinite Flight)

Server: Training
Aircraft & Livery: Alaska 737-900 (2018)
Route: Various
Flight Time: Various

I decided to do some Alaska Milk Run flights, starting in Seattle and working my way North. The scenery is absolutely stunning en route, so I took some screenshots and thought I’d share them! I went up, then back, so the pictures are out of order, as are the times of day.

Climbing out of Seattle, en route to Ketchikan. Taken by a local spotter, then posted on Instagram.

We made a South departure, so came around North to head up to Alaska. SeaTac is just behind us.

Sunrise en route from Ketchikan to Wrangell, Alaska. Very quick flight.

Banking on approach to Juneau.

Stunning scenery near Wrangell. The winds were pretty strong, but I was still able to grease the landing.

Over snow capped mountain peaks.

Wrangell Airport in the background as we climbed over the Strait of Alaska.

Sunrise on initial approach to Ketchikan.

Base approach into Ketchikan. We originally were coming into Runway 11, but winds shifted, and the controller gave us vectors to move over to the 29 side.

Back into SeaTac, the winds were whipping up a storm, prompting a go-around. We landed safely though after re-entering the approach path.

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thought it was Msfs, thanks

Cool shots


Thanks! IF’s Alaskan scenery is amazing.

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