World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 4)

Let’s talk about food

Pastechi is better than any South American/Caribbean food

Not sure what it is, but it looks good.

A lot of people have the same ip’s. I mean you can just enter anybody’s. Or even just generate one

It’s basically some kind of soft thing that you can put anything in, idk how to make it though

My fav is the one with ham and cheese

It looks 90% like the one we eat here, she made it not as oily and soft as here sadly

I use Edpuzzle also and Khan academy ,but MS teams

Khan Academy…oh boy

my leg is bleeding

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Minor or major?

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I hate that website, thank God I don’t use it anymore😂

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I still had the nights of staying up till 11:30 to finish my homework because they were so llloooonnnnngggggg


major. whole pants ripped apart. had an e-scooter crash.

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You alright?

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not really

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walking is super hard

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I’ve had a similar experience (only a month ago actually), hope you do better soon!


asking for permission to say a no no word once

Hope you get better soon!