777xs or 787s*
hi @rolls royce
sorta cold, cloudy and rainy
Here’s the funny thing, the A350 is in between the 787 and 777X in terms of capacity, meaning that there is a need for all three of these aircraft types (or Qatar wouldn’t have ordered them in the first place, before the paint issue) in different markets. The A350 is best suited to serve destinations that do not necessitate a 777X to cover the demand but also where the 787 will not be enough.
We have cold, cloudy, and no rain weather
787-10ER: Am I a joke to you?
And for the A350-1000, the 777-8 is a 1 to 1 match
cmon @barbadian
However, the 787-10X is not a match for the A359 since it is larger and has a higher capacity.
Ok so the 737-800 isn’t a match for the A320 because it can carry 3 additional pax?
the answer is obv no
baker is pushing it with airbus at this point
u voted imma flag this tho
i voted that as joek
Let me tell you this; If i was CEO of Airbus it would be hell if al baker wanted anything from my company
Frank Sinatra, best singer ever.
Not better than the JT8D
@PlanesAndGames is pacifica the best
@KTJ_Mitchell renderings!
What do you think I’ve been doing for the last 90 minutes?