Today is my last day of break
I only have 2 days of school this week for some reason, idk why they didn’t give us 2 extra days but ok
@PlanesAndGames do u still exist
R u bored
That is a little weird.
I’m going to guess that it’s Wednesday and Thursday that you have school.
No, not Wednesday
Ooh yay it’s Alec
Wanna discord
Call me weird but I’m dying to go back to school
Winter break is always so boring unless you are traveling for me at least and I haven’t travelled except for 3 days
Thursday and Friday?
I never wanna go to school
I just wanna stay here with my Devin and annoy the meanie Juegos
Yea I guess
I’ll show you varig
nooooo meanie
I’ve spent over 2 whole days in a car just driving back and forth for snowboarding already this year.
Jk joking kinda see what you mean. I’m never “dying” to go back to school though, like I might look forward to it if it’s the last day and we are getting grades etc but still