Why would I when I’m also a mod?
i think ur the jealous one here
Why would I when I’m also a mod?
i think ur the jealous one here
I am really annoyed with XP11 right now.
It has found 4 XBox Controllers and connected to them via Bluetooth. I don’t even own an XBox. I can’t control the plane anymore with my mouse.
There is no way to remove the controllers. I can’t disable Bluetooth as my mouse is connected to my computer via Bluetooth.
Does anyone know what tf I do?
Going back to Fort Lauderdale because my fam doesn’t like %90 of the things here😭
I’m done with this
Reset your Xplane or computer, never happened to me.
I use an Xbox controller but I’ve never seen that
It didn’t work. I restarted it multiple times.
I have 2 PS4 controllers but both are turned off
Weird, try looking on the Xplane forums.
destroy bluetooth
Already done that too, people are really unhelpful. They just told me to look at the X-Plane Manual and there’s nothing there
I’m relying on Reddit to save me now
I’m hoping Minneapolis gets snow while I’m there. It’ll be snowy at least because they’re getting some this and next week.
We’re about to get hit with the 3rd snow squall of the day.
Yeet MSP will have at least a foot of new snow on the ground by the time I get there (really low for this time of year, but still)
And single digit highs and negative lows
Update: I solved the issue. Just had to go through around 100 buttons (across 4 controllers) and set all functions to “Do nothing”
We’re getting the Triple Crown livery tomorrow afternoon
SNA reopened the satellite parking lot right under arrivals
Been closed for about 2 years