Yes. I finally decided to change it.
not that bad
Ooh, I didn’t know Tamiya got their models made in the Philippines
Vote pls
We got sun and heat
Never mind, the NWS is saying that this is a snow squall. That makes it the 5th one in the past two weeks.
We’ve got probs the most predictable weather ever
Cloudy with a little drizzle and unusual sunshine
It’s quite specific but is the weather 99% of the time
We have the most unpredictable weather. I’ve literally seen it go from 70° and sunny one day, to -5° and two feet of snow the next.
Any update on the packs btw @KGJT-9149? rush lol just wondering take ur time
I’ve got a couple uploaded. I’ll load a few more today.
Thank you so much I really appreciate it
Update on the snow squall, the wind is currently at about 45mph, and snow is coming down from all angles. I believe some snow is even going back up into the sky.
No problem. Welcome to XP11.
u gave him the 732? lol
Yes. And E175/95, all ERJs, and a couple small turboprops.
Yeah, he already said that yesterday