how are ya ?
how are ya ?
I’ve only felt one minor earthquake
I’m doing great! Hbu? Still depressed?
Hey you’ve finally felt an earthquake
Last time you said you hadn’t
My mom was the first to notice it
Then between DEN or COS, do COS. Or, alternatively, DRO has a lot of mountains nearby, and GJ is always an option. There’s also Gunnison and Steamboat. I’d recommend not staying in Aspen or Summit county, unless you want to pay like $500usd per night.
Boa tarde!
COS is very expensive
Bruh did I just get a stupid Greenpeace ad on tv?! Like bruh they were proud of advertising their name on a random ship or trespassing on Schiphol, they act like children
yEs PaiNtiNg pLaNeS gReEn WiLL mAkE tHeM cArBoN-nEuTrAL
I have a better idea
0 voters
São Paulo
It looks like it’s from the 80s
Too dark
still carbon-neutral apparently
Which cities would you recommend if I am to visit Brazil in the future?
Rio and only rio
gets robbed