He hates LEAP too
LEAP is less worse
PNG: made after 1800?
You suck then
2000 would be a better estimate
Yeah but that’s not real enough to get the point across
Look, the A345 was introduced in 2002…
PNG self destruct in 3, 2, 1…
ok lets change it to 2004 to narrowly exclude the A380 lol
…And the 77L entered service in 2006…
Bruh if Qantas had bought the A345 they could’ve had flights SYD-JFK nonstop
10,325 mile range
then 2006 since the A380 entered into service in 2007 lol
or the 777-200LR
Look, the anime guy is here
No it barely doesn’t make it
That route is about 9,900 miles
77L is just under that
Well, the E190-E2 had its first flight in 2016…
It’s older than @BonaireDude!
Yeah, just stay out of Broomfield, Colfax, Arvada, most of Aurora, Englewood, Westminster, Littleton, and a lot of the down town area.
Here’s a map for reference @BonaireDude:
I mean it once did Hong Kong to Heathrow flying east
Stupid meanie
Where should I go? I really want to visit again