Me trying to figure out why US Airways had two hubs so close together, American had both JFK and LGA, and now American has 4 so close together
Dang never knew SJC had that many long haul, international flights
Also when American had a hub there
Ok I think I got Covid, probably from when I flew delta, I’m getting a test in a few days to make sure but this is why JetBlue is better than delta. Never got sick on JetBlue once, pre and post lockdown, I always get sick on delta
I’m just not even going to go there
Moving on to less brain damaging conversation (not totally non brain damaging, but less)
Who buys that many eggs at once though?
Should I talk here again?
Can’t possibly get worse on WFC
why not?
Eh I don’t want people to get angry at me
Idk why they would
They can get triggered by themselves. No one should come here expecting it to be the IFC. That’s what IFC is for
@PlanesAndGames did you know that the E-145 was the original variant, and that the -140 and -135 were made after it as a shortened airframe?
That never happens with aircraft anymore. It’s always one larger and one smaller.
Though I guess I never thought of which one was built first regarding the ERJ
yup i very much did
Jk lol
why would i possibly not like Embraer lol
because yes