World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 1)

Now that you made me think about it… I have yet to see a basement in Florida, I guess the water table is too high for that sorta thing.

Anyways, tried World War Z, a game included with Xbox’s Game Pass, mediocre-at-best, poor campaign and multiplayer is meh. On the contrary, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is absolutely stunning and is finally bringing good entries back to the Call of Duty franchise.

Limestone ruins Floridians hope with having a basement :pensive:

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How are people doing?

I just found this topic on IFC:

Oh yeah. I have that bookmarked on the IFC already.

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It’s pretty funny.

My favorite reply on IFC:

There you go again with the Tinyurl.

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Good lord…why? Just…why?

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Because he thinks it’s funny. I got him once so…


Hey guys it’s basically my first time on this forum so this might be the right topic?

You can introduce yourself in the Introduce topic

Should I do a voice Reval on the next Zoom?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Welcome @American634 !

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Good afternoon from KSAT.

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Imagine if the IFC had an OffTopic discussion.

We would need like 50 moderators for that. They would already be on like Part 1000000.


This is incorrect. TL4, also known as Leader, is the closest you can get to moderator without being a moderator. They have some moderator actions, but are not a moderator.

Your right. Zac you should change it to the “the closest position you can be without being a leader.”