Thank you for inviting me to join, glad to be here!
Welcome @vhxpnotic. Please message me or anyone else on the moderation team if you need help. If you check out this post you will find some interesting/cool topics.
Alright thx
No problem.
I am @Aviation108 and I like burritos
And I like burgers
No you dont
Yes I do, I’m from America, wdye, home of the best burgers.
Ok, I guess you do
I’m late to the party but welcome @bbrockairbus. Please message me if you need help with anything.
@rebal15 welcome
Hey everyone! You might know me from the IFC, but if you don’t, my name is Lucas, I’m very much into aviation, and I’m also a software/web developer. Hope to see you around!
flex right there
Nothing less of course
He’s here!
Welcome @rebal15! I’m sure you know me already from the development of vaHost. Welcome
Of course you guys know each other lmao
Hola! Thanks for having me