Yep, looked at his profile
? YouTube?
No the ole other site starting by IF…
Actually, @anon71998643 here you go!
Anyways let’s go back on topic , we’re secretly giving his hate train more passengers which is not good
It should be already hard to handle for him , but I mean manipulating people just to have views isn’t moral as well
I agree. By the wwy only CF6 sounds will come…
They confirmed it’s the CF6?
Sir, you’re late
Wait, what engines does the current A330 have?
RRTrent 700
RR ooof
Trent 700 and CF6
Ah, so we’re only getting GE and RR ja?
No, the old one only has rr
PW4000 on A330-200F
Unfortunately yes
So why can’t them copy past and add it to the A333 ahah, no one cares if it’s not the real sound for one engine type , we’re already have the habit since years
Don’t mention it
Look at the great liveries that we will miss out on
AA, Malaysia, Korean, Air Caraibes…
Same question
bC iT wOuLdN’t Be Up To StAnDaRdS
Ahaha it’s so weird , for the first time only one american livery will be featured in an update (Delta). That’s so RARE, finally diversity and giving us almost all chinese ones ?