bad plane
I hope very much so
And oh, if they don’t do any of the two giants next year, at least rework 767 & A340
The next aircraft has to be the VZ-9 Avrocar. It’s already on LiveFlight!
No to mention that IF users are expecting a lot now.
They’ll have a hard choice to do after A333 rework
cough cough A32N cough cough
That’d be soooo great, to pair with the 757 and A330!
Yes true
Straight facts
That doesnt have too many votes…
I meant in term of votes, I love NEOs but we literally flopped on IFC lol
Not for long, once I get back all I’ll do is campaign
Kirito77: I wOuLd’Nt UsE tHe WoRd ExPeCt
time to campaign MD-80 then
Let’s not discuss him, we don’t want war here
Anyways, vote for A320neo
Okay, swap it for “Some random regular.”
An IFC Regular
Vote for NEO
No, vote for MD-80!
we really gonna do this lol
I’m still waiting for the VZ-9 avrocar…