Car Stuff

Best car end of discussion

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I hate lambos
Gets banned

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They’re super sexy though

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The car with the best looks imo is the PT Cruiser :hot_face::hot_face::hot_face:

I can’t tell if that’s a joke or not

It’s super hot :hot_face:

Hottest car on the market, change my mind

Well it’s not produced anymore

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The pre-owned market

same here. really overrated just like mercedes.


Agreed. I’m not a huge fan of Italian supercars. The point of them is to be rare and exclusive, but when you really look into it, they are quite common. The only one I kinda like (but probably wouldn’t want to drive) is the Countach.

what i think of lamborghini (except the sesto elemento)

(ye this is a countach)


Another really overrated car: Tesla’s
Every single person has one here it seems.
My state can’t even keep the power grid on during heat waves, what makes you think now is a good time to get an electric car? :joy:
There’s actually an article about how 1 in 5 electric car owners in California regret buying the car or have already switched back to regular gas cars lol


ICEs for the win!

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probably got an audi or some other vw group car

Honestly could’ve been anything. We have so many cars out here I can’t tell what a majority is anymore

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hopefully no one is getting a peugeot… or a cadillac… i hate those.


Cadillacs are the best

nope they’re not